Latah County Library District

Administrative Policies

Latah County Library District
Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Libraries are trusted, venerable and enduring institutions, central to their communities and an essential participant in the movement for racial, social and cultural equity. Diversity and inclusion go beyond simple tolerance to embrace and celebrate our entire community by developing practices that recognize and respect all people and their points of view. LCLD recognizes and actively affirms the dignity of those it serves, regardless of heritage, education, beliefs, race, income, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, and physical or mental capabilities.

At LCLD, we honor our employees’ diversity, and the diversity in the community we serve, by:

• Welcoming and including all
• Fostering an atmosphere of dignity and respect
• Encouraging the exploration of new ideas and perspectives in a safe and positive environment
• Working with diverse communities to determine appropriate ways to design, deliver, and evaluate services.

LCLD understands that an acceptance of differences can place individual and collective values in conflict. Nevertheless, LCLD is committed to fostering an environment of understanding, respect and social responsibility. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive, welcoming, and respectful organizational culture that appreciates and supports individual differences. LCLD makes diversity and inclusion a priority in planning and decision-making for staffing, collections, services and organizational change.

Approved by the Board of Trustees November 17, 2020


In the Heart of our Communities:
Great Places to Read, Learn and Explore

(From the Latah County Library District Strategic Plan)

Approved 9/21/2004; Revised November 2008, August 2011

2.1 District provided e-mail accounts

Each staff person is given an e-mail account upon hire. The account is to be used for work purposes only. Library business should be conducted using this email account rather than a personal account.

Each Board member will be provided an e-mail account upon request.

Messages sent to or received by LCLD e-mail accounts are public records subject to

Approved December 2004; Revised March 2010; Revised March 2019

2.2 Computers
2.2.1 Staff

The computers provided for District staff are to be used for work purposes only. No software is to be loaded onto any District computer without prior approval from the network administrator.

The District has the right to inspect any and all files stored in secured areas of the District’s network, on computing devices owned by the District, or on any other storage medium provided by the District for District business in order to monitor compliance with this policy.

Revised March 2019

2.2.2 Access to Public Computers

Computers are available for free public use at all District libraries. Patrons living within the Valnet service area [Asotin, Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis, and Nez Perce counties] are required to have a valid Valnet library card in good standing to use a public computer at any LCLD library. Any resident of the Valnet service area is eligible to receive a library card when proper identification is presented. Patrons may only use their own library card to reserve or use a computer. Violation of this policy may result in the suspension of computer privileges.
Those who live outside the Valnet service area are eligible for one computer guest pass per day. To obtain a guest pass, visitors 16 years of age and older must present photo identification with name and current address. Acceptable identification includes, but is not limited to, a valid driver’s license, state identification card, passport, or other form of photo identification meeting the above requirements. Visitors under the age of 16
who wish to obtain a guest pass must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older. The adult must show valid identification. Guest pass holders may request one time extension and must surrender that day’s pass to a staff member to receive the extension. In special circumstances, additional extensions may be granted at the discretion of a library staff member.

The Latah County Library District (LCLD) uses PC Reservation™ software on all public access computers (excluding dedicated catalog computers). PC Reservation™ allows patrons with valid library cards to reserve computers and automatically times sessions.
This provides fair access to computers for all users.

Computer users must end their sessions at any time they are directed to do so by a library staff member.

If a person refuses to comply with the Internet Use Policy or with library procedures governing computer time limits s/he may lose computer privileges. (See Administrative Policies 2.4.1 and 2.4.2) Patron downloading from the Internet to the computer hard drive is not allowed. This is necessary to aid the District in keeping its computers virus free.

Revised March 2019

2.2.3 Laptops

Patrons are free to use personal laptops in any of the District’s libraries. Staff assistance in activating WiFi capability or troubleshooting WiFi on a personal laptop will be provided as time and staff expertise allow.

Revised March 2019


Public access to the Internet and to online tools is an integral part of the LCLD’s programs and services. Access is provided through publicly accessible computers, wireless Internet service at each library, and loan of mobile hotspots. Internet access is available without charge. The LCLD does not endorse any viewpoints presented, or vouch for the accuracy of information found, when a member of the public uses the library’s Internet services. The LCLD shares the values of the American Library Association (ALA) in providing free access to the Internet and adheres to the ALA statement “Internet Filtering: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights” [see Appendix]. The LCLD board of trustees asserts that the use of Internet filters to block constitutionally protected speech compromises First Amendment freedoms and the core values of libraries and librarianship. However, in order to comply with the content filtering requirements of Idaho Code 33-2741 the Latah County Library District filters all public computers and wireless Internet connections.

Access to the Internet through library-provided means is for legal uses only. Loss of privileges at the library and criminal and/or civil prosecution are possible consequences resulting from illegal or inappropriate uses of computing resources. Internet users should be aware that they are working in a public environment with people of all ages and diverse viewpoints. Examples of illegal or inappropriate uses include but are not limited to the following:
• Attempting to bypass the security of the computers or local area network at the library.
• Attempting to bypass the security of any other computer or network including the internet.
• Attempting to intentionally introduce a virus or similar piece of code that may do damage to any data, computer, or networking device.
• Attempting to alter or damage any software, operating systems, or configuration files.
• Attempting to use unauthorized computer accounts, access codes, or network numbers.
• Viewing illegal materials including obscenity and child pornography.
• Violations of another user’s privacy.
• Violations of copyright or other laws.

Library information technology resources may not be used to harass, abuse, or threaten another person.

The filtering software used by the LCLD is designed to protect against malware, hacking, and proxy avoidance systems that may be harmful to computer hardware or networks.

As allowed by I.C. 33-2741(2), library policy may limit internet access or otherwise protect against content beyond that specified in Idaho statute.
The LCLD attempts to maintain patron confidentiality at all times involving the patron’s individual legal use of electronic resources and services offered by the library, but cannot guarantee the confidentiality of information transmitted by a patron over the Internet. The library assumes neither responsibility nor liability for any loss or damage incurred by anyone using the library’s computing resources, including any loss or harm incurred by a patron arising out of, or associated with giving or receiving, personal or financial information across the library’s network and the Internet.

Approved November 2004; Revised November 2008, March 2010, December 2011, December 2013, December 2019, October 2020


The Latah County Library District’s Internet Safety policy mandates the operation of a technology protection measure (“filtering software”) on any publicly accessible computer with internet access. The intent of this policy is to meet the internet safety for minors provisions of Idaho Code 33-2741 as well as the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)]. (“Minor” is defined in I.C. 33-2741 as anyone under the age of 18 years.) The policy also provides guidelines for patrons and staff regarding internet accessibility and online computer use. Filtering software protects against child pornography and access to visual depictions that are obscene as defined in I.C. 33-2741 and CIPA.

To the extent practical, steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of users of the LCLD network when using electronic mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, social media, and other forms of direct electronic communications.
Specifically, as required by CIPA, inappropriate network usage includes:
• unauthorized access and other unlawful activities; and
• unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.

Parents are responsible for providing guidance to their children. The library accepts no responsibility for failure of the internet content filter to block specific sites.

Supervision and Monitoring
It shall be the responsibility of all members of the LCLD staff to supervise and monitor usage of the computer network and access to the internet in accordance with this policy, I.C. 33-2741, and CIPA.

As allowed by I.C. 33-2741(3) and CIPA, authorized library staff may disable technology protection measures for patrons 17 years of age or older for bona fide research or other lawful purposes. Establishment of procedures for disabling or otherwise modifying any technology protection measures is the responsibility of the Director or designated representatives.

Implementation requirements
Procedures are in place for library staff to follow in enforcing the requirements of Idaho Code 33-2741 and the Children’s Internet Protection Act.

A notice of the availability of this policy will be posted in a conspicuous place within all Latah County libraries. Questions or concerns about this policy may be addressed to the library staff or Director.

This policy was developed under the direction of the Latah County Library Board of Trustees, and was adopted following public notice required by Idaho Code during an open meeting of the Library Board. This policy document will be reviewed by the Latah County Library Board of Trustees at least every three years.

Approved January 2005; Revised January 2009, July 2012, December 2013, December 2019, December 2022

2.5 Copiers, Printers, Fax Machines (public use)

Copiers and printers are available for public use at all seven Latah County Library District libraries.

Copy, printing and fax costs will be standardized throughout the District.

There is a fax machine at each library. At the branch libraries the branch supervisor must determine if public use is warranted.

No public use of the fax machine in Moscow is available.

Approved 11/16/2004; Reviewed 1/2006, Revised 11/18/2008, Revised 5/2014

2.6 Patron Conduct Code (Covers conduct on grounds and in library buildings)

In order that everyone who comes to our libraries may feel safe and comfortable, and have equal access to the facilities, equipment, collections, and services, the following guidelines for personal conduct are outlined. Patrons are expected to be respectful of others by complying with these.

In particular, the following conduct is prohibited:

1) Discharge of any projectile on library property.
2) Theft, destruction or injury to library equipment or property; or, using library equipment in a manner other than that intended by the manufacturer or Library District.
3) Engaging in behavior which is disruptive or potentially harmful to other patrons or staff including but not limited to: verbally intimidating or threatening staff or other patrons; verbally harassing staff or other patrons, or physically harassing staff or other patrons by following, staring at, or photographing them; making unreasonable noise; or engaging in loud, offensive, or boisterous behavior or talking.
4) Bringing an animal to the Library other than a service animal, or leaving an animal unattended on library property.
5) Using cellular telephones, radios or other sound-producing devices in a manner capable of being heard by staff or patrons, other than those needed to accommodate a disability (applies only in the library building).
6) Soliciting or selling items without permission.
7) Sleeping or lying down.
8) Intentional misuse of any library computer (as defined in the Internet Use Policy), or of library copiers, phones, or other equipment.
9) Running in the library, or climbing on shelves, furnishings, or outside structures in ways for which they were not designed.
10) Impeding the free movement of persons into or out of the Library.
11) Smoking in the library building or within 25 feet of building entrances.
12) Using wheeled devices such as bicycles, roller blades, skateboards, or the like inside the library building or on the entry area immediately surrounding the building other than those required to accommodate a disability.
13) Blocking access to the main entry or any exit with wheeled devices such as bicycles or strollers.
14) Consuming food or beverages other than water except at library authorized functions.
15) Having an odor which unreasonably interferes with the ability of staff or patrons to use the library.
16) Being in the library barefoot or without a shirt.
17) Washing clothes or bathing in the restrooms.
18) Gambling on library property.
19) Bringing large parcels or pieces of luggage into the library which interfere with the free passage of persons or equipment.
20) Possession of alcohol except at library authorized functions.
21) Being in the library or on library grounds while intoxicated.
22) Entering non-public areas of the building without permission.
23) Leaving a child under 8 unattended at the library.

Conduct in violation of Federal, Idaho, or local laws on LCLD property may result in loss of library privileges and will be reported to law enforcement authorities.

Approved November 2004; Revised April 2006, November 2008, March 2010, March 2019

2.6.1 Enforcement

Staff members are expected to use their discretion to resolve conduct issues that unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of the library by staff and patrons. If a violation of the Conduct Code, Unattended Children Policy, or Internet Use Policy cannot be resolved informally or is of such a serious nature that, in the opinion of the staff member, immediate enforcement action is warranted, the staff member may ask a patron to leave the library or may terminate the patron’s use of library computer equipment for the day.

Repeated or serious violations or refusal to comply when asked by a staff member to leave the library or relinquish control of a library computer may result in being barred from the library or denied use of library computers for a period of time not exceeding thirty (30) days. Refusal to comply with a staff member’s request to leave or terminate use of library computer equipment may also result in law enforcement being called for assistance.

The LCLD Director has sole authority to work with law enforcement to issue a trespass order, which may last for up to one (1) year.

A staff person who takes an action under this policy shall document the action in writing on a form to be approved by the Director.

Approved November 2004; Revised April 2006, November 2008, March 2010, March 2019, May 2019

2.6.1.a A policy for the administration, operation, and use of the libraries under control of the Board of Trustees of the Latah County Library District to contain the spread of communicable diseases

It is the policy of the LCLD Board of Trustees that the Library Director shall have the authority to regulate the manner of use of library facilities by patrons regarding any health measures deemed necessary by the Director for the mitigation or prevention of communicable diseases. Patrons who consider themselves aggrieved by any measures implemented by the Director may submit a written request to the Board of Trustees to have the measures reviewed. The Director shall forward such request to the Board chair who shall have discretion as to whether such measures should be added to the agenda of the next board meeting for review.

Approved September 29, 2021

2.6.2 Appeals

Any patron who is barred or trespassed from entering the library or from using library computers for a period of two (2) or more consecutive days may appeal the decision, in writing, to the Director. The Director may interview any party involved or witnesses and consider any other evidence available in reaching a decision which shall be communicated in writing to the patron and staff person. The patron may further appeal the Director’s decision in a writing delivered to the Chair of the Board of Trustees who shall place the issue on the agenda of the next scheduled meeting. The Board may interview any party involved or witnesses and may consider any other evidence in reaching a decision which shall be delivered in writing to all parties involved.

Approved November 2004; Revised April 2006, November 2008, March 2010, March 2019, May 2019

2.6.3 Unattended Children

LCLD is dedicated to providing services to patrons of all ages. Staff are available to assist children in using the libraries’ resources. However, it is not the role of LCLD or staff to provide child care. For liability reasons, the staff cannot take responsibility for children left alone at the library. Parents or guardians are responsible for the safety and behavior of their children at all times while in the library. For the safety and comfort of all of our patrons, LCLD has established the following policies:

1) A child who violates the patron conduct code may be asked to leave the library. If the child is unable to leave the library without supervision by a parent/responsible person, the parent/responsible person may be asked to leave the library with the child.
2) All children should carry emergency contact information at all times. In the following situations library staff may attempt to contact a child’s parent or guardian:

a. A child is found alone and frightened or crying in the library;
b. A child is alone and doing something dangerous;
c. A child violates the patron conduct code but is unable to leave the library alone;
d. A child under age 8 is left alone at the library;
e. Another person at the library seems to be a danger to the child.
f. No parent or caregiver comes at closing time to pick up a child who needs transportation to leave the library.

If the parent or guardian cannot be reached, or cannot arrange to immediately pick up their child, staff may place the child in the care of the appropriate law enforcement agency.

3) A child who repeatedly violates the patron conduct code may lose library privileges. If any of the situations described in subsection 2 occur repeatedly the child and/or the parent/responsible person may lose library privileges.

A staff person who takes an action under this policy shall document the action in writing on a form to be approved by the Director.

Approved November 2004; Revised April 2006, November 2008, March 2010, March 2019, May 2019

2.7 Social Media Use

The LCLD uses social media to increase awareness of, and accessibility to, its programs, resources, and services in order to achieve its mission. LCLD social media is intended to provide a platform for sharing ideas, opinions, and information about library-related subjects and issues. This policy provides a framework for civil, effective, and ethical engagement in social media activities by authorized library staff and external users.

Content posted by any users may be subject to removal if it contains:

A. Comments not topically related to the particular post being commented upon;
B. Disparaging, harassing, abusive, profane, obscene, or offensive content;
C. Potentially libelous or defamatory content;
D. Violent, hateful, malicious, or threatening content;
E. Content that promotes or fosters discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, national origin, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation;
F. Endorsement of, or opposition to, political issues, groups, or individuals;
G. Commercial solicitations or advertising;
H. Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity;
I. Information that may compromise the safety or security of the public;
J. Disclosure of confidential, sensitive, or proprietary information;
K. Content that violates a legal ownership interest, such as copyright or trademark infringement.

The LCLD’s social media sites may be considered public records under Idaho law.
Content deemed inappropriate by the LCLD per the above guidelines shall be documented by screenshot or print-out and then be removed immediately.

Approved April 2019

3.1 Materials selection and de-selection
3.1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this collection development policy is to ensure that library materials and access to information meet the information, recreation and learning needs of the county. The policy will assist in budgeting decisions and responsible use of funds, define the purposes for the collection; and establish limits and priorities on collection parameters

3.2 Basis for Policy

Latah County Library District’s collection development policy is designed to guide collection building that will provide resources consistent with the District’s Strategic Plan. Out of necessity it is also driven by available funding.

The LCLD adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom contained in the American Library Association’s “Code of Ethics,” “Freedom to Read Statement,” “Freedom to View Statement,” and the “Library Bill of Rights,” including the following interpretations: “Access to Library Resources and Services for Minors,” and “Diverse Collections.” Links to these ALA documents appear at the end of this section.

3.3 Community Served

Our primary service population is Latah County residents. Through consortia membership, resource sharing agreements and interlibrary loan, the collection is available to a broad population. LCLD currently belongs to the Valnet and Inland Northwest Library Group consortia.

Public libraries cannot in general support the needs of higher education and research.

3.4 Selection of Library Materials
3.4.1 Responsibilities

The Board is responsible for approving the collection development policy. The Board delegates full responsibility for the selection of materials to the Latah County Library District Director. Under the authority of the Director, the Adult Services Manager, the Youth Services Manager, and to a limited extent the Branch Managers, select and deselect library materials.

Library users make their own choices regarding use of library materials based on individual preferences. LCLD supports the right of each family to decide which items are appropriate for use by their children. Responsibility for a child’s use of library materials lies with his or her parent or guardian.

High priority is given to patron requests and staff input

3.4.2 Selection Criteria

The District’s collection includes material on a wide range of subject areas written or produced for the general public. The District does not purchase curriculum materials to support the program of any area school or library unless those materials are of general interest. Textbooks are purchased only if this format is most suitable to the subject matter. Latah County Library District emphasizes non-scholarly materials.

Materials are selected to meet the needs of a diverse clientele, whose interests, views, and informational needs are varied. Not all items in the library will be of interest to, or suitable for, all library patrons.
The general criteria considered for selection of materials, whether purchased or donated, include:

a) Qualifications and/or reputation of author or producer
b) Suitability of subject and style for intended audience
c) Quality and suitability of format
d) Availability of materials in the subject and balance of materials currently available in the collection or other libraries
e) Requests by Latah County patrons
f) Attention and response of critics, reviewers and general public
g) Levels of funding and cost and availability of materials
h) Availability to purchase or community interest and needs
i) Relevance to the experiences and contributions of diverse populations
j) Authority, accuracy and accessibility of presentation
k) Currency of information
l) Historical significance
m) Quality and suitability of writing or other content
n) Professional

3.5 Collections
3.5.1 Fiction

The District will acquire fiction material in a wide range of genres and in a variety of formats. Emphasis is on mainstream and genre fiction by authors in English. Multiple copies are purchased to meet patron demand.

3.5.2 Nonfiction

The District will acquire non-fiction material in a wide range of topics and in a variety of formats. The collection emphasizes timely, accurate and useful informational materials to support general community interests. Preference is given to materials that are current and in high demand and to represent a continuum of opinions and viewpoints when available. Titles with sustaining value and those of current, accepted authority are part of the library collection.

3.5.3 Reference

Reference materials are for in-house use. They provide quick, concise and up-to-date information. Included are indexes, encyclopedias, bibliographies, biographical resources, dictionaries, almanacs and directories. Some reference resources will be provided via electronic access only

3.5.4 Professional Collection

A small collection of specialized materials pertaining to the management and development of public libraries is kept for use primarily by library staff.

3.6 Maintenance & De-Selection Guidelines

De-selection is an essential element of collection development that ensures the District’s materials are in the best condition possible.

3.7 Censorship and Reconsideration of Library Materials (see Administrative Policy 4.9)
3.8 Donated Library Materials

Donated materials are accepted by the Latah County Library District. Donations become the property of the District. If added to the collection they must meet the same criteria as outlined above. If not added to the collection they will be sold at Friends of the Library book sales.

3.9 ALA Documents Endorsed by the LCLD

Code of Ethics; Freedom to Read Statement; Freedom to View Statement; Library Bill of Rights; Access to Library Resources and Services for Minors; Diverse Collections

Approved January 2005; Reviewed January 2006; Revised December 2015

4.1 Access to Library Cards

For the purpose of inventory control, the Library will issue free library cards to residents of Latah County and to counties with which the Library has reciprocal borrowing agreements. The application process is designed to protect the collection without unreasonably hampering access to it. A replacement charge will be assessed for lost or stolen cards.

4.2.1 Loss of Privileges

Library privileges may be revoked if library materials are not returned within a reasonable amount of time.

4.3 Replacement of and Damages to Materials

Minor damage to library materials may be evaluated and associated charges assessed by Branch Managers and circulation staff in accordance with LCLD guidelines. Materials with significant damage will be evaluated by the Collection Librarians to determine if replacement is necessary. Patrons who lose or significantly damage library materials will be billed for replacement of the item. In addition to the replacement cost a $5.00 processing fee will be charged. Questions will be referred to the Collection Librarians. Patrons who fail to return or pay for missing items will be subject to Idaho Code 33- 2620. See attachment. The Managers and Branch Managers may waive fines and fees in extenuating circumstances. Any amount waived must be documented.

Approved February 2005; Revised January 2006, December 2006, June 2013

Attachment to LCLD Administrative Policy 4.3

Idaho Statutes

Any person who borrows from a publicly funded lending facility any book, newspaper, magazine, manuscript, pamphlet, publication, microform, recording, film, artifact, specimen, device, exhibit or other article belonging to, or in the care of, the facility, under any agreement to return the same within a specified time, and thereafter fails to return the book, newspaper, magazine, manuscript, pamphlet, publication, microform, recording, film, artifact, specimen, device, exhibit or other article, shall be given written notice, which shall bear upon its face a copy of this statute, mailed by a registered or certified letter with return receipt, or delivered in person to such person at his last known address, to return the borrowed article within fifteen (15) days; and in the event that the person shall thereafter willfully and knowingly fail to return the borrowed article within thirty (30) days, or shall fail to reimburse the facility for the value of the borrowed article plus overdue fines and costs incurred, the person shall be guilty of a petit theft and punishable as provided in chapter 24, title 18, Idaho Code. For purposes of this section, a “publicly funded lending facility” includes any library, gallery, museum, collection or exhibit supported by public funds.

4.4 Confidentiality

The Library District shall protect the confidentiality of all patrons in conformance with the Idaho Public Records Law (Idaho Code 9-340E (3)) “the records of a library which, when examined alone, or when examined with other public records, would reveal the identity of the library patron checking out, requesting, or using an item from a library”. With the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act (Section 215) the FBI now has the authority to order any person or entity to turn over any tangible things, so long as the FBI specifies that the order is for an authorized investigation…to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities. However, the FBI need not show probable cause, nor even reasonable grounds to believe, that the person…is engaged in criminal activity. Those served with Section 215 orders are prohibited from disclosing the fact to
anyone else. Those who are the subjects of the surveillance are never notified that their privacy has been compromised.

Approved 9/21/2004; Reviewed January 2006

4.5 Reciprocal Borrowing

Latah County Library District will enter into reciprocal borrowing agreements with other libraries, districts, counties, or consortia as deemed prudent given budget, collection and staffing constraints.

All active agreements will be appended to this policy.

Approved January 2005; Reviewed January 2006

4.6 Interlibrary Loan

The Library encourages the use of interlibrary loan to fill requests for materials not available in the Latah County Library District.

The Library reserves the right to determine the amount of interlibrary loan activity, based on the availability of resources, such as personnel.

Latah County Library District will not charge for interlibrary loan requests. Any charges imposed by the lending library, either for the interlibrary loan transaction itself, for photocopying or fax services rendered, for return postage fees requested, or for any other monies charged, will be assessed to the patron requesting the interlibrary loan service.

4.7 Access to Library Services

No person shall be denied access to the library and its services because of race, age, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, handicap or physical or mental impairment.

ADA requirements will be adhered to to the fullest extent possible.

4.8 Public Comments

There is a time on each Board of Trustees Agenda for public comment.

Concerns about Latah County Library District policies and procedures should be addressed to the director. The director, in consultation with the Board President, will determine if an issue will be put on the Board’s meeting agenda.

4.9 Patron Concerns About Library Resources

Freedom to read, view, and listen is an essential principle of our democracy. The LCLD endorses the American Library Association statements related to this principle (see 3.2, Basis for Policy).

Responsibility for reading, listening, and viewing of materials by minors rests with their parents or legal guardians. At no time will the Latah County Library District act in loco parentis (in place of the parent). Selection of library resources will not be inhibited by the possibility that they may be read or viewed by children. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children to the library or the library’s website to choose resources.

The Latah County Library District Director and the Board of Trustees are aware that patrons may take issue with the inclusion of any specific item in the collection and they welcome the expression of concern by our patrons. Patron concerns will be dealt with promptly and courteously as detailed in the following process:

  1. Library staff may listen to the concern and may direct patrons to the appropriate collection manager for the material in question (i.e., the Adult or Youth Services Manager). Only concerns expressed by Latah County residents regarding materials owned by the Latah County Library District will be considered.
  2. The collection manager will discuss the concern with the individual or group if requested. After discussion with the collection manager, a patron who requests further action will be given a “Statement of Concern about Library Resources” form and a copy of the collection development policy, and be requested to return the completed and signed form to the Director.
  3. The Director will consult with the collection manager about the patron’s concerns and the item in question and make a decision about the status of the material. The Director will send a letter to the patron explaining the decision.
  4. Should the patron wish to appeal the Director’s decision, the Director will present the Statement of Concern about Library Resources form to the Latah County Library District Board of Trustees at a regular meeting. The Director will inform the patron that the Statement of Concern will become a matter of public record.
  5. At the meeting, the patron may present comments about the Statement of Concern and the material in question.
  6. The Director will present a response at the meeting.
  7. The Trustees will make a final ruling on the concern in open meeting and send a prompt written response to the patron.

Approved January 18, 2005; Revised October 2018; January 2023

Policy 4.10 Request for Relocation of Materials under the Children’s School and Library Protection Act

LCLD Director and Board of Trustees (“Library Board”) are aware that patrons may take issue with the inclusion of any specific item in the collection and they welcome the expression of concern or a request for relocation of materials in the Library collection by our patrons.

Freedom to read, view, and listen is an essential principle of our democracy. The LCLD endorses the American Library Association statements related to this principle (see 3.2, Basis for Policy). LCLD is committed to upholding the rights of library users to freely access quality materials that inform, educate, enlighten, and encourage critical thinking.

Responsibility for reading, listening, and viewing of materials by minors rests with their parents or legal guardians. At no time will the LCLD act in loco parentis (in place of the parent). Library resources are selected according to our collection development policy to meet the needs of the entire range of Latah County residents. Parents are strongly encouraged to accompany their children to the library or the library’s website to choose resources.

The LCLD is a governmental entity and is therefore subject to the First Amendment, which protects freedom of expression. Only narrowly defined categories of speech are not protected by the First Amendment. For example, obscenity is not protected speech. If materials do not meet one of the narrowly defined categories of unprotected speech, they are speech protected by the First Amendment. The First Amendment prohibits the government in most cases from discriminating based on content or viewpoint.

In April 2024, the Idaho legislature passed House Bill 710, which established Idaho Code § 18-1517B, which refers to itself as the “Children’s School and Library Protection Act.” The Act provides a private cause of action for any minor or parent or legal guardian of a minor to sue the library if the minor obtains “material harmful to minors,” and the library, after following its process for relocation, does not make that material inaccessible to minors. The LCLD is committed to even-handedly applying its policies to collection development and to following all legal requirements, including First Amendment requirements.

In the relocation of library materials, the burden is on the complainant to prove that specific material meets the definition of “material harmful to minors.” The Library Board will fairly and impartially adjudicate claims that materials in the collection meet the statutory definition of “material harmful to minors” but will apply the statutory definition closely to ensure access to protected speech is not illegitimately restricted.

The LCLD is a member of the Valnet Library Consortium and as part of that consortium, the LCLD shares and receives materials from other member libraries on behalf of its patrons. The LCLD only processes Relocation of Materials Request with Regard to Material Harmful to Minors for materials owned by the LCLD as the Library Board has no authority over other member library boards.

With the foregoing in mind, this policy details who can request the relocation of materials the LCLD makes available, the options for doing so, and the procedures the Library Board will take to review such requests. In addition to requests for relocation of materials based on the allegation that such materials are harmful to minors, library users may submit a request for relocation of materials that they do not believe meet the criteria in the Library Collection Development and Maintenance Policy for other reasons as well.

a. Definitions. The following terms, as used in this policy, have the following definitions.

i. Library Board – The Latah County Library District Board of Trustees.

ii. Material – As defined in Idaho Code § 18-1514(7) means anything tangible which is harmful to minors, whether derived through the medium of reading, observation or sound.

iii. Material Harmful to Minors – As defined in Idaho Code § 18-1514(6) and read in conjunction with U.S. Supreme Court caselaw, means material that contains nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sado-masochistic abuse that a) appeals to the prurient interest of minors as judged by the average person, applying contemporary community standards; b) depicts or describes nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sado-masochistic abuse that is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community with respect to what is suitable material for minors including patently offensive representations or descriptions of intimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated or masturbation, excretory functions or lewd exhibition of the genitals or genital area; and c) when considered as a whole, and in context in which it is used, does not possess serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value for some minors. “Nudity,” “sexual conduct,” “sexual excitement,” and “sado-masochistic abuse” as used herein are as defined in Idaho Code § 18-1514.

iv. Prurient Interest – As defined by Idaho Code 18-4101, prurient interest means a “shameful or morbid interest in nudity, sex, or excretion, which goes substantially beyond customary limits of candor in description or representation of such matters.”

v. Request for Relocation of Materials – A request for the Library Board to reconsider whether material in the LCLD collection meets the standards of the collection development policy or whether the material meets the definition of Material Harmful to Minors. The request should be made using the form available.

vi. Written Notice – The library provides a written form to request the relocation of material the complainant considers to be Material Harmful to Minors. Only a minor who obtained Material Harmful to Minors from the LCLD by checking it out on their own LCLD-issued library card or their parent or legal guardian can submit a complaint.

b. Procedure for submitting a Request for Relocation of Materials.

The Request for Relocation of Materials form will be available at each LCLD branch location and on the LCLD’s website. A completed Request for Relocation of Materials can be submitted by the means laid out on the first page of the form.

c. Procedure for Library Board review of a Request for Relocation of Materials.

The Library Board’s process for reviewing a Request for Relocation of Materials shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Idaho Public Records Act, Idaho Open Meetings Law, and all other applicable laws necessary to ensure a fair and open deliberative process and an impartial decision based on the evidence submitted. Patrons submitting the Relocation of Materials Request with Regard to Material Harmful to Minors form are responsible for complying with all requirements of the “Children’s School and Library Protection Act,” the Idaho Tort Claims Act, and any other applicable laws or court rules to maintain their ability to seek judicial review.

The Library Board shall endeavor to issue a written decision within sixty (60) days of receipt of the submission explaining the Library Board’s rationale for approving or denying the submission.

i. While the request for relocation is being reviewed, the material in question shall remain in circulation and will not be removed from the collection.

ii. If a material has been challenged at LCLD under the Children’s School and Library Protection Act within the past 36 months and not found to be material harmful to a minor, the Request for Relocation will be summarily denied.

iii. Prior to Board review, the Library Director shall endeavor to prepare a written response to the submission and a recommended Library Board decision within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of the submission. The Library Board shall give the Library Director’s written response and recommended decision substantial deference.

iv. If the Library Board decides to remove material from the collection or restrict access in any way, there is no right of appeal to the courts under the “Children’s School and Library Protection Act.” Being that the decision to censor materials is unappealable and the decision not to censor materials is subject to judicial review, the Library Board will exercise due restraint when limiting or removing access to materials and will make its decision based on an evaluation of the material and its value as a whole.

v. If the Library Board does not issue a final written decision within sixty (60) days of receipt of a Request for Relocation of Materials, the submission is denied.

vi. The Children’s School and Library Protection Act requires complainants to provide notice to a library requesting that material be relocated to an adults-only section. As a general matter, the LCLD does not have the resources to segregate material in an adults-only section. Therefore, the LCLD reserves the right to comply with the Act by removing material from the collection that it deems to be harmful to minors.

vii. The Library Board Chair has discretion to:

a. Determine whether and when to call a special meeting for the Library Board to deliberate on and decide, or adopt findings on, a Request for Relocation of Materials.

b. Determine whether additional procedures beyond the written filings specified herein are necessary to adequately review a Request for Relocation of Materials or a Written Notice, and if so, order such additional procedures. Examples of additional procedures the Board Chair may require include oral presentations by the complainant and the Library Director, or public testimony.

Library administration shall maintain a case file for each Request for Relocation of Materials or Written Notice submitted. The case file will be publicly available with applicable information redacted as required by Idaho law with regard to minors. The case file shall include, as applicable:

i. the Request for Relocation,
ii. the library director’s written response and proposed Board decision,
iii. any public comments received on the submission within sixty (60) days of receipt of the submission,
iv. any adopted minutes of a meeting that reflect Library Board deliberation on the challenge, and
v. any interim or final orders or decisions of the Library Board.

Download Request for Relocation of Materials PDF with Policy 4.10.

Approved June 25 2024

5.1.1 Operation Hours – Holidays – Closure

All District libraries are open to serve the public. The number of hours each library is open will be dependent upon the District’s budget and use patterns.

District libraries will be closed on recognized holidays, approved by the Board of Trustees at their June meeting. This list of holiday closures will be posted in each library and on the District webpage.

Branch libraries have the option of extending hours during the week in which a holiday falls. Any such changes must be approved by the Director.

Approved 10/19/2004; Reviewed January 2006

5.2 Programming Policy

The Library may sponsor programs or classes, and shall cooperate with other groups in organizing these to fulfill the community’s needs for educational, cultural, informational, or recreational opportunities.

Programming decisions will be driven by availability of space in the library, whether the library is scheduled to be open during the time when the program is to be offered, and whether there is an associated cost.

5.3 Display Policy

Any materials displayed in the Library are the responsibility of the owner(s). The Library will assume no liability for lost, stolen or damaged items.

Displays will be non-sectarian and non-partisan and will be designed to support the stated educational and recreational aims of the library.

5.4 Schools

The Library will endeavor to maintain a balance in its services to all age groups. The Library will cooperate with, but cannot perform the functions of, school or other institutional libraries which are designed to meet curricular needs.

Approved November 16, 2004; Reviewed January 2006


Library public areas and meeting rooms are open to activities of organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, civic, and charitable activities. Attendance may not be restricted because of a person’s race, national origin, color, sex, religion, age, marital status, sexual preference or orientation, political affiliation, or physical disability or appearance.

Use of library meeting space does not imply endorsement, support, or co-sponsorship by the Latah County Library District of the activities that take place or of the beliefs of the groups using the space. Groups or individuals using the meeting space may not use the Library logo or in any way imply that the event or program is sponsored, co-sponsored, or endorsed by the Library in any advertising or publicity.

The Branch Manager or another Manager is authorized to deny permission to use meeting spaces or terminate any meeting in progress if a group is disorderly in any way, or violates any of the terms of use.

Group Use of Open Public Spaces

Groups may meet in the open public areas of any of the libraries, provided they comply with the terms of use listed below, but must first obtain permission from the Branch Manager or another Manager.

All events or meetings taking place in library public areas must be free, open, and accessible to any member of the public. In keeping with the Library’s mission, there can be no charge for attendance or participation in events in open public areas. Donations may be accepted to recover meeting or materials costs but cannot be a requirement. For-profit activities, or activities requiring payment for attendance, may only be held in meeting rooms, with the exception of library-sponsored events that involve paid presenters.

Meeting Rooms

The Latah County Library District provides private meeting room space at its Potlatch and Troy libraries. These rooms have separate entrances but are also accessible from inside the libraries, so they can be used during or after library business hours. No separate rooms are available for public meetings at the other five LCLD locations, though public space may occasionally be used for meetings and programs. Meeting rooms will be available on a non-discriminatory, equal- access basis.

Terms of Use

  1. Events that are free and open to the public take priority for meeting room use. Private functions are also permissible.
  2. Groups take priority over individual users for meeting room use.
  3. If a meeting room is being reserved for a for-profit activity, or if payment for attendance is required, there is a charge for use of the room (see fee schedule here). Donations may be accepted to recover meeting or materials costs for events held in library meeting rooms without incurring a charge for room use.
  4. Fundraising is prohibited, except for Friends of the Library or Library Foundation events.
  5. Library spaces cannot be used for activities that present health or safety risks, or for illegal purposes.
  6. The event cannot interfere with routine library operations, such as, but not limited to, activities that would produce excessive noise, occupy a large amount of library parking during business hours, or place an additional demand on staff time.
  7. After-hours use of meeting rooms by groups whose members are under the age of 18 must be supervised by an adult, with an adult in attendance at all times.
  8. The contact adult for each group must have a valid library card in good standing in order to reserve a meeting room. Checking out a meeting room key is required.
  9. Alcoholic beverages and smoking are prohibited. Exceptions for alcoholic beverages may be made for library-related events. Light refreshments are permitted.
  10. Cooking or food preparation is limited to the kitchen or coffee service area located in the Potlatch and Troy meeting rooms. Areas must be cleaned following use.
  11. The person checking out the meeting room key is responsible for making sure everyone leaves the building after hours and that the room is left in good order.
  12. Groups are responsible for setting up and putting away any and all chairs and tables used, picking up refuse, and leaving the rooms tidy.
  13. Groups will be charged for damage to room, equipment, or furnishings beyond reasonable wear and tear.
  14. Posted rules specific to the Potlatch or Troy meeting rooms must be observed, including occupancy limits and the use of lights, heat, and air conditioning.
  15. Equipment, supplies, materials, or other items owned by a community group or individual or used by them in the Library are not the responsibility of the Library, nor can they be stored in the Library.

The Library reserves the right to restrict or deny usage of meeting rooms or public spaces if the terms of use are not followed.

The Library reserves the right to cancel meeting reservations when unforeseen circumstances such as power outages or severe weather conditions occur.

Reserving meeting rooms:

  1. No more than two reservations per month by one party are allowed.
  2. Reservations for meeting rooms must be requested at least two business days in advance, taking into account the individual library’s business hours.
  3. Reservations must be cancelled at least two business days in advance. If a group does not show up for a scheduled reservation or does not restore the room to a clean and orderly state, the Library reserves the right to withhold meeting room privileges for up to three months.
  4. Meetings may be booked no more than three months in advance, with the exception of Library, Library co-sponsored, Friends of the Library, and Library Foundation events.
  5. False information cannot be intentionally included on the meeting room reservation application.
  6. Individuals or groups using the meeting rooms must sign the meeting room agreement.

Approved January 2005; Revised January 2006, September 2017; November 2017

6.1 Facility Policy and Agreements with Cities

The District will provide library service in communities with which a current lease has been signed by authorized agents for both the Latah County Library District and the respective community.

The Library Board is committed to maintaining branch libraries in an attempt to provide library service throughout Latah County.

The level at which the branches are maintained will be dependent upon budgetary constraints.

The communities must provide suitable facilities to house the library. Community support of these facilities shall be designated in the lease agreement.

Branch library staff are employees of Latah County Library District. No other entity has supervisory authority of branch staff.

Approved October 2004; Revised January 2006

6.2.1 Safety

The safety of staff and patrons is vitally important. All employees will accept responsibility for their and patron safety and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner.

Latah County Library District recognizes the need for development of safe working conditions and practices.

Staff will immediately report all accidents to their supervisor.

All safety and conduct code policies and procedures will be followed and enforced. Be alert to unsafe conditions and report them immediately to your supervisor.

Use common sense in all work related activities.

Do not attempt to work when your physical or mental condition will not permit safe performance on the job.

Take proper care of tools, equipment, or vehicles placed in your charge and report needed repairs or unsafe working conditions to your supervisor.

Approved March 2005; Revised January 2006

7.1 Surplus Items

LIBRARY MATERIALS: Materials withdrawn from the LCLD collection will be given to the Friends groups for resale.

ALL OTHER SURPLUS PROPERTY: Limited storage space and staff to oversee this process mandates we get rid of surplus items as quickly as possible. If the item has a resale value greater than $50.00 a notice will be posted in all the libraries, listing available item/s and a purchase price. If no offers are received from the public or a staff person within two weeks, the item/s may be given to the Friends group for them to sell.

If an item is valued less than $50.00 efforts will be made to find a buyer. If the item has no resale value it will be disposed of in the most efficient manner.

Approved March 2005; Revised January 2006

7.3.1 Public Records

Latah County Library District complies with Idaho Public Records Law (Idaho Code 9-337 to 9-350).

The intention is that all records maintained by the District be available for public access and copying. At the same time, the District recognizes the need to balance this policy of openness against the equally important need for privacy of certain information provided by citizens and businesses that is necessary for the conduct of the library’s business.

DESIGNATED CUSTODIAN: The designated custodian of the Library’s public records is the Director. The Director may delegate this responsibility to other staff in her/his absence.

ACCESS TO PUBLIC RECORDS: All records maintained by the District shall be open to the public for inspection and copying during hours the library is open, unless the information is specifically exempted from disclosure by law.

All requests should be referred to the Director, who will set a time when the records can be accessed and copied.

DESTROYING PUBLIC RECORDS: Wherever legal Latah County Library District will destroy public records as soon as possible after a transaction is completed.


  • Personnel Information – The employment history, classification, pay grade and step, longevity, gross salary and salary history, status, and work place of any current and former employees are required to be disclosed to any person who requests the information. All other information is exempt.
  • Library Circulation Records – These records will not be disclosed unless properly executed subpoenas or warrants are presented.


  • A written request for public records will not be required if the information can be routinely provided by the District.
  • A request for records will be granted or denied within three (3) working days.
  • If a longer time is required to locate and retrieve the requested records, a written request will be required. The designated custodian will determine whether the request can be granted within three (3) working days.
  • All requests will be filled in whole or in part within ten (10) working days. If no answer is provided within ten (10) working days, the request will be deemed to be denied.
  • No fee will be charged for examination of public records. If copies of public records are requested the charge will be equal to the copying fee the public is assessed.


  • If a subpoena is presented, direct the person or the paper to the Director, who will in turn direct it immediately to legal counsel.


  • If a warrant is presented, do not interfere with their search or seizure, and immediately call the Director.

Approved March 2005; Revised January 2006

7.3.2 Record Retention Schedule

There is no state code mandating how long records are kept. District records, the raw material of decision-making and institutional memory, will be retained according to the schedule set by this policy. Records management policies pertain to all records maintained by the District regardless of format.

RecordKept on SiteKept at State Archives
Annual Budget5 yearsPermanent
Audits7 yearsPermanent
Board minutes & Financial Reports5 years
ContractsUntil inactivePermanent
General/Transmittal3 yearsPermanent
Earnings – Individual5 yearsPermanent
General Accounting7 yearsShred
General Ledger7 yearsShred
Grants 5 yearsPermanent
Incorporation recordsPermanent
Insurance Claims5 yearsPermanent
Insurance PoliciesCurrentPermanent
Invoices7 yearsShred
Legal records5 yearsPermanent
Payroll5 yearsPermanent
Personnel Files
(Remove evaluations, warning letters, and anything else of a
confidential nature)
Until terminationPermanent
Opinion survey records5 yearsPermanent
Retirement Records5 yearsPermanent
Withholding Reports5 YearsPermanent

Approved May 2005; Reviewed January 2006

7.3.3 References

It is the policy of the Latah County Library District, with respect to inquiries regarding former employees or providing references for current employees, to provide only the dates of employment, position held, salary or wages, and whether the separation from employment was a termination or voluntary resignation unless a signed waiver is on file. See attachment for LCLD waiver.

Approved May 2005; Reviewed January 2006

7.6 Donations other than library materials

The District may receive donations of property, stocks or bonds, and cash. Should a donation come with restrictions that will result in expense to the District or fall outside District policy, the District has the right to decline the donation.

Donations made with restrictions will be accepted if the restrictions are:

  • For a designated branch within the District, or
  • For adult or youth materials.

Donations made with more specific restrictions may be declined.

Approved April 19, 2005; Reviewed January 2006

8.1 Relationship to the District

Each District library may have its own Friends of the Library Group. Each group will determine if it will seek 501(c)3 status.

Friends groups have no authority over the staffing, collections, services, or facilities of their respective libraries unless they have agreed to take over meeting rooms per policy 5.5.

Friends groups serve as advocates for their respective libraries. They raise funds that are made available to their respective libraries for purposes approved by the Friends’ membership.

Approved March 2005; Reviewed January 2006

9.1 Relationship to District

The Latah County Free Library District Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation established to enable the Latah County Library District to fulfill more completely its mission through the development and enhancement of its properties and operations beyond what is possible through annual operating monies.

9.2 Copy Of By-Laws (appended to this policy)

Approved March 2005; Reviewed January 2006

10.0 Volunteers

Latah County Library District relies upon volunteers to supplement the staffing.

Approved March 2005; Reviewed January 2006


Internet Filtering: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights

In the span of a single generation, the Internet has revolutionized the basic functions and operations of libraries and schools and expanded exponentially both the opportunities and challenges these institutions face in serving their users. During this time many schools and libraries in the United States have installed content filters on their Internet access. They have done so for a variety of reasons, not least of which is the requirement to comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) in order to be eligible to receive federal funding or discounts through the Library Services and Technology Act, Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and the Universal Service discount program (E-rate), or to comply with state filtering requirements that may also be tied to state funding. Their rationale for filtering is that it is better to have filtered access than no access.

CIPA specifically requires public libraries and schools seeking e-rate discounts for internet connections to install technology protection measures, i.e., content filters, to block two categories of visual images that are unprotected by the First Amendment: obscene images and images of child pornography. These are categories of images the Supreme Court has consistently ruled outside the constitutional protection of the First Amendment. CIPA also requires those libraries and schools to block a third category of images for minors under the age of 17 that courts deem “harmful for minors” that are constitutionally protected for adults but not for minors. CIPA does not require libraries and schools to block any other constitutionally protected categories of images, or any constitutionally protected categories of speech. Research demonstrates that filters consistently both over- and underblock the content they claim to filter. Filters often block adults and minors from access to a wide range of constitutionally protected speech. Content filters are unreliable because computer code and algorithms are still unable to adequately interpret, assess, and categorize the complexities of human communication whether expressed in text or image. In the case of websites containing sexually explicit images, the success rate of filters is frequently no greater than chance. In addition, the use of content filters cedes vital library and school resource and service decisions to external parties (private companies and contractors) who then exercise unknown and unaccountable influence over basic functions of the library or school and users’ access to library or school resources and services.1 In addition to this research, the experience of librarians and educators working within the constraints of CIPA suggests that filters are unreliable and routinely circumvented by technologically adept users.

Most content filters are designed and marketed for a much larger market than libraries and schools, and offer options for filtering wide categories of protected speech such as objectionable language, violence, and unpopular or controversial opinion, as well as entire categories of Internet-based services such as e- mail and social media. In addition many content filters operate on an “opt out” model where the filter defaults “on” unless the user is given the option to shut it off. Categories frequently are set to default to the most stringent settings and may only be adjusted by administrative intervention.

Unblocking for adults on request was a key factor in the Supreme Court decision to uphold CIPA in public libraries.2 This has proved to be equivocal in actual practice in some libraries, because of the unwillingness or inability of libraries to unblock when requested, especially when system administrators may be outside of library administrative control. While some filtering systems allow librarians at the local or end user level to modify the filter settings, others restrict that authorization to the highest administrative levels, creating lengthy delays in the processing of user requests to unblock erroneously filtered content.

This same situation also occurs in schools. Such delays represent de facto blocking for both library users and K-12 students, because most users rarely have the flexibility or time to wait hours or even days for resources to become available. This dilemma is exacerbated by the secrecy surrounding category definitions and settings maintained by the filtering industry, frequently under the guise of trade secrets. There are also issues of user privacy when users must identify themselves and their interests when asking for specific websites to be unblocked. Certainly, both adults and students researching highly personal or controversial topics will be reluctant to subject themselves to administrative review in order to have access to information that should be freely available to them.

In schools, the CIPA requirements have frequently been misinterpreted with the result of overly restrictive filtering that blocks many constitutionally protected images and texts. Educators are unable to use the wealth of Internet resources for instruction, and minor students are blocked from content relevant to their school assignments and personal interests. Interactive websites and social media sites are frequently restricted, and are thus unavailable to educators for developing assignments that teach students to live and work in the global digital environment. In many cases students are prevented from creating and sharing their documents, videos, graphics, music and other original content with classmates or the wider world; thus valuable learning opportunities are lost. These situations occur in schools when librarians, educators and educational considerations are excluded from the development and implementation of appropriate, least-restrictive filtering policies and procedures. Minor students, and the librarians and educators who are responsible for their learning experience, should not be blocked from accessing websites or web-based services that provide constitutionally protected content that meets educational needs or personal interests even though some may find that content objectionable or offensive. Minors and the adult educators who instruct them should be able to request the unblocking of websites that do not fall under the categories of images required to be filtered under the Children’s Internet Protection Act.

CIPA-mandated content filtering has had three significant impacts in our schools and libraries. First, it has widened the divide between those who can afford to pay for personal access and those who must depend on publicly funded (and filtered) access. Second, when content filtering is deployed to limit access to what some may consider objectionable or offensive, often minority viewpoints, religions, or controversial topics are included in the categories of what is considered objectionable or offensive.

Filters thus become the tool of bias and discrimination and marginalize users by denying or abridging their access to these materials. Finally, when over-blocking occurs in public libraries and schools, library users, educators, and students who lack other means of access to the Internet are limited to the content allowed by unpredictable and unreliable filters.

The negative effects of content filters on Internet access in public libraries and schools are demonstrable and documented. Consequently, consistent with previous resolutions, the American Library Association cannot recommend filtering.3 However the ALA recognizes that local libraries and schools are governed by local decision makers and local considerations and often must rely on federal or state funding for computers and internet access. Because adults and, to a lesser degree minors, have First Amendment rights, libraries and schools that choose to use content filters should implement policies and procedures that mitigate the negative effects of filtering to the greatest extent possible. The process should encourage and allow users to ask for filtered websites and content to be unblocked, with minimal delay and due respect for user privacy.

1 Kristen R. Batch. “Fencing Out Knowledge: Impacts of the Children’s Internet Protection Act 10 Years Later” (ALA OITP & OIF Policy Brief No. 5, June 2014)
2 United States v. American Library Association, Inc., 539 U.S 194 (2003)
3 Resolution on the Use of Filtering Software in Libraries” (1997) and “Resolution on Opposition to Federally Mandated Internet Filtering” (2001)

Adopted June 30, 2015, by the ALA Council.