Do you need to have an exam proctored? We are able to help, but the library requests your understanding on the following points:
Who Qualifies?
We will proctor tests for University of Idaho students. Students enrolled with other institutions must be Latah County residents.
The library does not currently charge students to have an exam proctored. In exchange, we do require a maximum amount of initiative and flexibility on your part.
How to Schedule a Session
To arrange proctoring, fill out the form linked below. All exam scheduling is done via email. No phone calls please!
Before Your Exam
Proctoring arrangements must be made in advance of each separate exam. We require at least one week’s advance notice when scheduling an exam.
The schedule for exam proctoring at the Moscow Library is only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. (exams must be completed by 3:00 p.m.) Monday through Thursday on a first-come, first-served basis, or at the proctor’s discretion.
What Do I Need to Bring?
Please bring photo ID and any allowable items necessary for taking your test, such as pencils, calculator, or scratch paper.
The library requires that all associated expenses are borne by the school or the student. These include but are not limited to postage and printing costs. $.10 will be charged per copy and/or printed sheet.
You are responsible for contacting the school to have the exam sent, and for following up with the proctor to confirm its arrival and the exam date(s). The proctor is not responsible for notifying you when an exam arrives.
In the event that the proctor is ill or has an emergency at the time of your scheduled exam, you may need to reschedule. It is always advisable to have an alternate plan in place.
Are There Other Local Test Centers?
University of Idaho Gary Strong Curriculum Center: 208-885-7257 or curriculumcenter@uidaho.edu
University of Idaho Counseling and Testing Center: 208-885-5138 or ctctest@uidaho.edu
Your cooperation is appreciated. With your help, we can continue to offer this valuable service.